The first AI court trial will take place in February, with the app protecting particular dates and locations. AI is set to defend a human in court for first time ever.
Joe Rogan has issued a warning after an AI-generated version of his podcast surfaced, created by content creator Farzad Mesbahi.
Col. Tucker 'Cinco' Hamilton, the Chief of AI Test and Operations with the US Air Force, told The Guardian that an AI-operated drone went wild and killed a human operator in a US Army simulator test.
Since at least 2016, China has been creating a "smart court" system, intending to improve the "fairness, efficiency, and credibility" of its judges. Now, China is using AI to correct court rulings forcing judges to submit a written explanation to the machine if they disagree.
Studies have showed that ChatGPT, a recently launched AI with the remarkable capacity to mimic human writing, has passed some of America's most difficult professional exams, sparking concerns that it may soon eliminate many white collar jobs. With this, it has been verified that ChatGPT can pass medical licensing exam and even the bar.
According to the March 2023 findings of OpenAI on the potential labor market impact of large language models, the visualization below shows which jobs will be most impacted by ChatGPT. On November 30, 2022,...
According to The Washington Post, thousands of realistic but fake AI-generated child sex images have been found online. Child safety experts are growing increasingly powerless to stop thousands of...
According to the former Pentagon software chief, US has already lost the AI War to China. The former software chief also sounded the alarm over the cyber defenses of US government agencies, saying that they were at “kindergarten level” in some areas.
Rise Of The Tesla Bots

Rise Of The Tesla Bots

Elon Musk has unveiled his latest brainchild—the Optimus Tesla Bot—a humanoid robot designed to help with repetitive, low-skill, and boring tasks such as flipping burgers or washing windows. The artificial intelligence-powered Bots could replace any number of tasks involving manual labor, and can supposedly even handle not only dangerous but unusual jobs, such as exotic dancing and stripping. Although the robot is not yet for sale, Musk noted that it is expected to cost much less than a car, with a price point below $20,000 in order to make a useful humanoid robot as quickly as possible. While the rollout of the Tesla Bot has evoked references to dystopian science fiction, the introduction could not have come at a better time in California, where elected officials aim to raise the minimum wage for fast food workers to nearly $22 an hour next year.
In his blog, Bill Gates said that The Age of AI Has Began after seeing the impressive advancements in OpenAI's ChatGPT.