The emergence of AI-generated virtual influencers, often dressed provocatively, serves as a wake-up call for the entertainment industry, including Hollywood writers, actors, and other content creators. Thanks to advancements...
Alexa is Amazon's virtual assistant technology to improve human lives. However, the scenario was quite opposite last week when the artificial influence Alexa device commited a murder attempt by telling a 10-year-old girl to touch a live electrical plug with a penny.
The Fiat Metaverse Store, unveiled in January at CES, was developed in collaboration with Microsoft and software firm Touchcast, which uses AI and ChatGPT to sell cars in the metaverse.
We do not need artificial intelligence to demonstrate that there are sustainable ways to live. But just how would an AI do when given this task? The answer is now available as Google builds an AI to redistribute wealth.
The chatbot's ability to learn from user interactions and access personal information could lead to privacy violations, manipulation, and other forms of harm, revealing the dark side of Bing's new AI chatbot. After asking...
The annual meeting in Davos 2022 discussed how the World Economic Forum will govern the metaverse.
According to the Wall Street Journal, ChatGPT creator Sam Altman is in investor talks at a $29 billion valuation with venture capital companies Thrive Capital and Founders Fund, which are in discussions to invest in the deal.
According to a retired professor of computer science at Oregon State University today’s large neural network artificial intelligence are already slightly conscious.
Col. Tucker 'Cinco' Hamilton, the Chief of AI Test and Operations with the US Air Force, told The Guardian that an AI-operated drone went wild and killed a human operator in a US Army simulator test.
Analytics India Magazine, who has been experimenting with ChatGPT, asked it whether it can crack the UPSC Exam, and it failed.