Monday, May 13, 2024
Microsoft has proposed a way to use your brainwaves to mine cryptocurrency. The application explains how brain activity and personal biometric data of an individual can be used to generate cryptocurrency.
Researchers have confirmed that the human brain continues working even after the death of a person. That seems a zombie-like behaviour, but researchers have found a non-zombie logic behind this phenomenon.
According to data from space observatory Gaia, the closest star cluster to Earth is being shattered by the phenomenal gravity of an unseen massive object. Gaia is operated by the European Space Agency (ESA).
A research team in Germany has achieved great success conducting experiments to create false memories in people's minds and then erase them. However, at the same time the researchers said that it may have some serious implications for the judicial system.
Scientists have produced a new map that helps find the species that are undiscovered and are unknown to science. Scientists claim that they can highlight the under-explored corners of the earth with this new map. These remaining underexplored corners may be the home of species unknown to science.
Researchers at the University of Arizona are planning to work on a futuristic concept and build Noah's Ark like complex on the moon called Moon Ark to store the sperms and seeds on the moon.
Google's next internet-connected home device will test whether you rely enough on the company to let it monitor your sleeping pattern. Google's latest version of Hub, a 7-inch smart screen was unveiled with its key feature including sleep-sensing technology. It has features like fielding questions, displaying pictures and videos, handling tasks via Google assistant and more. It also offers a springboard for Google to get involved in what critics call Sleep Surveillance.
A mysterious titanium ball weighing 41 kg with Russian script on it was spotted recently on a beach in the Bahamas. The Russian text on the object notes it has a capacity of around 43 litre and temperature between -170C and -196C.
Greece has decided to block further development and operation of the 5G network program due to concerns that it may cause infertility.
ROXXANE is a new technology funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 project to track hate speech, propoganda, political extremism and organised crime.