Google's next internet-connected home device will test whether you rely enough on the company to let it monitor your sleeping pattern. Google's latest version of Hub, a 7-inch smart screen was unveiled with its key feature including sleep-sensing technology. It has features like fielding questions, displaying pictures and videos, handling tasks via Google assistant and more. It also offers a springboard for Google to get involved in what critics call Sleep Surveillance.
This device will also monitor your sleeping pattern and tell you whether you need to wear a fitness device or other gadgets in bed. Google offers it for free for a year. It relies on what Google calls Soli, a new chip that detects motion using radar. It also monitors breathing depth of a person.
This device will generate an easy to understand weekly sleep-reports. This reports will indicates how frequently you snore and cough, quality of sleep, length of sleep and more.
Google says ‘it honed the technology...