The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), a body convened by the WHO, is calling for a 'simulation' to prepare for the next global health crisis. As 194 nations continue to work through drafts of...
A study published in the peer-reviewed Chinese language journal Environmental Chemistry found that plutonium from US nuclear weapons tests is polluting the South China Sea. A new study has...
You might have thought, what should I do after I get my degree? The prospects of having a nine to five schedule are not bad, but not suitable for everyone. That’s when you start to think about...
A new study from Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment and the Department of Chemistry at Trinity College of Arts and Sciences found nanoplastics linked to Parkinson’s and dementia.
Although Asia presently dominates the rankings in terms of overall population numbers, Africa's expanding population numbers are frequently underestimated. Here's how the global population grew over 300 years.
It might be challenging to formulate recommendations that apply to people of various ages and body types, but one advice remains constant across all studies. Scientists have now revealed just how much exercise you need to 'offset' a day of sitting.
According to neuropsychologist Bernhard Sabel of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, a new fake-paper detector has revealed that one-third of scientific papers are made up. When neuropsychologist Bernhard Sabel put his new fake-paper detector...
According to a NiceRx study published on Thursday, a list of US states with the longest life expectancy was created, with Hawaii having the longest life expectancy of the 50 states in 2020.
How Multinational Corporations for their vested interests hypnotize you and your children through psychological warfare right at your home Every morning and evening, millions of unsuspecting parents allow their children to witness gunfights, violent chase, murder, beatings and other forms...
According to a study, something weird is going on with melatonin as the number of annual calls to poison control for pediatric melatonin overdoses has risen by 530 percent over the prior 10 years.