Saturday, May 18, 2024
According to Anna Fleck from Statista, the map below shows the most common blood types around the world, with O positive being the most prevalent blood group globally. World Blood Donor Day is organized...
A clothing brand called Cap_able has created a secret camouflage clothing technology which is capable of tricking AI facial recognition.
Christopher Wareham, a bioethicist expert at Utrecht University who studies the ethics of aging, told The Financial Times that he was worried that elderly billionaires will become immortal and keep compounding wealth forever.
Britain's former top cyber spy, Ciaran Martin, warns that AI fakes and lies will destroy society as they will make it hard to tell the difference between truth and lies. Artificial Intelligence risks “undermining the...
Below is an excerpt from our exclusive research on Energy Crisis: India's dependence on Oil and a Solution for a Sustainable Future published as a two-part series in GreatGameIndia - India’s only quarterly magazine on Geopolitics & International Relations. Though...
Musk earlier stated that humans are "already cyborgs" due to our reliance on technology. Humans in 2100 could very well be ageless bionic hybrids with downloadable brains.
Data from IQAir's World Air Quality Report reveals the 20 most air-polluted cities on Earth, with Lahore, Pakistan topping the list. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost the entire global population (99%) breathes...
Holtec, the top U.S. manufacturer of storage equipment for nuclear waste, is driving the nuclear revolution in the U.S. by reopening cold reactors and investing in small modular reactors (SMRs).
Design has become a highly popular, trendy profession. Thousands of students-to-be consider the spectrum of design education opportunities available for them online and offline. Here is a brief guide on the popular courses teaching design today, both...
New research shows the dark side of the IT Boom, how lakes and trees have disappeared and how IT boom made Bangalore unlivable. A recent study by T V Ramachandra of the Centre for Ecological Sciences titled Insights to...