The Associated Press (AP) reported on Tuesday that the U.S. surgeon general stated that loneliness is as deadly as cigarettes and has cost the healthcare industry billions of dollars. Loneliness has caused serious health...
The European Space Agency successfully conducted the first-ever video livestream from Mars, and the feed reached Earth in 17 minutes. In what could be the future, the European Space Agency successfully conducted the first-ever...
In a Facebook post, Italy's Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, announced on November 16 that Italy bans lab-grown meat. Italy was the first nation to outlaw cultivated...
The new Waterfront Toronto project in Toronto, dubbed Quayside 2.0, is tipped to be a bucolic retreat rather than a technological utopia, which may kill the smart city forever.
According to a recent study that was released in PNAS, antidepressants are linked to the rise in superbugs. With a few days of exposure, bacteria develop drug resistance, not only against one antibiotic but multiple antibiotics.
Professor Joseph Dituri, who is 55 years old, is conducting research on how the human body reacts to prolonged exposure to high pressure by living underwater for 100 days in an attempt to become "superhuman."
According to a January article by researchers published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), two youths committed suicide in a taxpayer-funded cross-sex hormone study. Lawmakers are demanding answers after the suicide deaths...
According to a June 4 blog post on Medium, Amazon locked a Microsoft engineer, Brandon Jackson, out of his smart home devices over false racism claims. Amazon locked a Microsoft engineer out of his...
Google co-founder Sergey Brin admitted errors in Gemini, Google's Woke AI, citing insufficient testing at the Gemini Hackathon. The AI faced criticism for historical inaccuracies and woke biases. During...
The astute reader will recognize that any asserted scientific "fact" or "conclusion" must be tempered with common sense, healthy skepticism, and a closer examination of those who stand to gain. This is the reality of the new peer-review and why ‘unbiased’ science is now often misleading.