Friday, May 17, 2024
A recent report found that adults in the US check their mobile phones, on average, 344 times a day, which shows how it has changed our brains.
The new findings published in the journal Science state how a small tweak a million years ago changed the human brain forever. The human brain was different in the beginning but then a tweak...
A study published in the peer-reviewed Chinese language journal Environmental Chemistry found that plutonium from US nuclear weapons tests is polluting the South China Sea. A new study has...
According to Alex Mena, an IRS official, the IRS is using AI to spy on Americans' bank accounts and is targeting ordinary citizens. To uncover what they believe to...
According to a new study published in the journal Current Biology, Professor Takefumi Kikusui has found that dogs cry happy tears of joy when their owners come home.
According to scientists in China, a weight loss drug like Wegovy, which is promoted by Elon Musk, has a deadly side effect that causes a person's small intestine to become enlarged.
Nordlingen is a bizarre small town in Bavaria, Germany where the buildings are laden with diamonds and built inside an asteroid crash site.
A study published in the journal Current Biology investigates how mosquitoes use your body chemistry to select you as their next meal. To unravel the age-old question of why mosquitoes eat some people alive but spare...
NASA's Johnson Space Center wrote on Twitter that four volunteers will live inside a '3D-Printed Mars' habitat made by NASA for over a year. The mission is taking place at the Johnson Space Center...
Based on the 2023 estimates from the World Factbook, a list of countries with the highest infant mortality rates has been created, with Afghanistan and Somalia topping the list.