A group of former intelligence and national security officials on Monday issued a jointly signed letter warning that pending legislative attempts to restrict or break up the power of Big Tech monopolies — Facebook, Google, and Amazon — would jeopardize national security because, they argue, their centralized censorship power is crucial to advancing U.S. foreign policy.
In the mid-18th century, a secretive political group began spreading dangerous conspiracy theories throughout Britain’s colonies. British subjects had long enjoyed the freedom of expression, but these radicals abused novel communication platforms to churn out seditious literature not often grounded in fact (read below), even resorting to threats and violence that endangered those around them.
The early internet era was full of optimism about the future of the technological society. Techno-utopians naively hoped that a society running on the so-called ‘information superhighway’ would be armed with facts, and civic life would evolve past the tired dialectic of partisan politics.
In an interview with CNBC Google's former VP shared that the top skill required at job interviews is self-awareness.
A lawsuit accusing Google of abusing its position as one of the biggest brokers, providers, and online auctioneers of advertisements put on websites and mobile applications could result in Google Ads losing its monopoly.
India seeks a probe after Apple sent an email warning of a state-sponsored attack to opposition MP Priyanka Chaturvedi, who wrote to PM Modi and Amit Shah on Tuesday, demanding action.
Here's a step by step guide on how to delete personal information from Google Search results.
Google's advertising contributed $209.5 billion in revenues to the corporation in its fiscal year 2021. Now, a class action lawsuit exposes Google's opaque data-mining practices.
Forget Big Brother, Big MUM is Google's new tool for suppressing conservatives.
In an attempt to go passwordless, Apple, Google, and Microsoft have decided to kill the password using the Passkey standard, also called multi-device FIDO credential.