Global Forces Behind Cow Slaughter In India Explained

Below is an excerpt from our exclusive research on Energy Crisis: India’s dependence on Oil and a Solution for a Sustainable Future published as a two-part series in GreatGameIndia – India’s only quarterly magazine on Geopolitics & International Relations.

Though initially cow slaughter was performed to irritate majority section of the population under alien invasion in India, since last 15 years the slaughter of cows has reached holocaust proportions. This systematic destruction has its roots in two recent trends.

First, it was discovered that most of the beef produced in the US, Canada, and EU was not fit for human consumption because of highly dangerous and animal to human communicable ‘mad cow disease’ or BSE. This disease is a result of feeding cows in pastures their own unusable meat by labeling it as protein since 1975 under the name of meat industry called “Rendering”. This transformation of grass eating animal into carnivorous animal created the evolution of most self-destructive bacteria capable of wiping mankind in new sets of diseases like SARS, BSE, etc. Most of the consumers like Arabs, Japanese etc. were forced to ban this contaminated cow meat. As a result, their focus turned to India which has the largest population of cattle in the world.

Second trend is the concept of re-colonization and loot of India, post-western economic system collapse, to plunder the left over wealth. This needs rapid urbanization and corporatization of agriculture as a first step. Second step is the destruction of every flowing water body and rivers by damming them to feed the water requirements of urban populations and in turn handing over the water management to private western corporate giants. With the dams springing all over rivers, surface moisture distribution will disrupt the atmospheric moisture balance preventing rain cycles which will create water scarcity and agricultural failure. With no water, there will be crop failure, and with each crop failure the farmers will abandon their profession; either commit suicides or become urban labor thus selling his cattle for slaughter.

The failure of agriculture and the famines just like East India Company times will let the western retail giants to control the food supply in India and livelihood of the country. In Andhra Pradesh alone since 2008, 500,000 cattles were sent for slaughter on an annual basis to export meat. It was also found that only Indian variety of male bulls either from Ongole or Gir could produce cattle that can withstand BSE.

So a private industry was setup to smuggle the semen of these bulls to western capitals so that they can create similar disease resistant varieties there. Once this is achieved then the destruction of male cows would become imminent as the western companies want to sell their new invention “mad cow resistant cow breeds” back to Indians under the fancy name of milk revolution. (The controversy to ban the traditional practice of Jallikattu is a part of this agenda to destroy the strongest Indian bull species.) This brings only genetically modified cows into India whose milk and other by-products are neither medicines nor useful in agriculture. Before dumping these hybrid cows into India western countries from 2003 imported more than $130 million dollars worth of cow urine and dung in frozen containers to study its composition to help them recreate/replicate the same in their cattle by changing the feeding habits of their cattle.

While Indians were busy fighting among themselves over the preservation of our holy cow with no clearly defined long-term policies and rather politicizing this serious matter there have been tremendous technological advances made in the Western-European countries that has the potential to save not just our holy cows but also make the country energy self-independent and help create an environment of peace and tranquility in the region.

EU wants to reduce dependency on Russian Natural Gas and Gulf Oil by focusing development of local economy on the basis of locally available resources as part of their national security plan. US and Europe under the leadership of Germany took the threat of energy dependency on Arab oil very seriously and started to explore every alternate mode of energy self-sufficiency. While India stopped thinking about Gobar Gas as an energy alternative, the West moved forward to discover how best cow dung could be utilized.

The biogas of 1971 underwent a metamorphosis as Methane Bio Gas (MBG) in 1990 and by 2008 took the name of Commercial Bio Gas (CBG). With the rapid advancements in biotechnology in US and Germany who looked at oil crisis as a national security concern, the evolution of Bio Gas reached the stage of an alternate solution for oil or natural gas in the name of CBG.

From simple cooking aid in 1971, Gobar Gas transformed into a leading player in the generation of multiple energy sources including Electricity replacing natural gas and nuclear energy, and clean green vehicle fuel replacing oil or natural gas.

Germans were able to develop a process by which from biogas they were able to extract 98% methane so that it becomes equivalent of Commercial Grade Natural Gas, directly ingestible into National Gas Grid of Germany and Europe. It is called Bio-Methane (BM) or Methane Bio Gas (MBG) or Commercial Bio Gas (CBG). Germany’s four big energy providers have recognized the value of biogas and analysts at GreatGameIndia believe there will be a bright future for large-scale biogas plants that feed gas into the national grid. Experts say it is the start of a boom in biogas as the country’s energy providers increasingly look into home-produced biogas to reduce their dependence on natural gas imported from Russia.

India is having the largest cattle population in the world. IIT Delhi calculated the energy potential or electricity generation potential from Indian cattle few years before. We can generate electricity or create fuel grade methane using cattle alone to supply the energy requirements for entire South Asia for the next thousand years without depending on any other source including nuclear energy. And surprisingly the cost of electricity generation is cheaper than solar energy and nuclear energy costs. Unlike solar that cannot work during the cloudy season or when Sun is not there at night, CBG works 24×7 in the generation of electricity or auto fuel or cooking gas if professionally run like industry.

Since sometime now we have seen a continuous fall in the oil prices to an unparalleled low. Though Saudi Arabia is on the verge of bankruptcy they are still flooding the market surplus oil bringing the oil price below $30 per barrel. Although it is seen by many experts as a tool of economic warfare targeted against Russia, who is a major player in the oil market; the real motives are far more sinister.

Major oil player reducing their margins to the minimum for the next few years will kill the research into each and every alternate energy sources or natural renewable energy sources. This research have the potential to make countries like India energy self-sufficient and can save millions of dollars that are spent on importing oil from the Middle East.

In December 2011, over 300 million Indian citizens had no access to electricity. Over one-third of India’s rural population lacked electricity, as did 6% of the urban population. Of those who did have access to electricity in India, the supply was intermittent and unreliable. In 2010, blackouts and power shedding interrupted irrigation and manufacturing across the country. The International Energy Agency estimates that India will add between 600 GW to 1200 GW of additional new power generation capacity before 2050. This added new capacity is equivalent to the 740 GW of total power generation capacity of European Union (EU-27) in 2005. The technologies and fuel sources India adopts, as it adds this electricity generation capacity, may make a significant impact to global resource usage and environmental issues.

Will the government pursue the eco-friendly, energy self-sufficiency policy for the public welfare or stand by the special business interest groups? Which global agencies are engaged in non-proliferation of these technologies into India? How can we save not just our holy cows but also make the country energy self-independent and help create an environment of peace and tranquility in the region?


These are the questions addressed in our exclusive research on Energy Crisis: India’s dependence on Oil and a Solution for a Sustainable Future published as a two-part series in GreatGameIndia – India’s only quarterly magazine on Geopolitics & International Relations.

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One Response

  1. Which is the private company which was set up to export bulls semen out of India and is it true that Varghese Kurien was the one who paved way for all this in the name of “milk revolution”?

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