Saturday, May 18, 2024
Saudi Arabia had publicly expressed its dissatisfaction with the Biden Administration's lack of assistance for Saudi defense against the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen before. Now, the US Senate has passed the NOPEC Antritrust bill, paving way for Biden to sue OPEC.
The Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) is speeding up its design of a common payment system, which has been closely discussed for nearly a year with the Chinese under the stewardship of Sergey Glazyev, the EAEU’s minister in charge of Integration and Macro-economy.
According to local sources that spoke with SANA, the US has resumed theft of Syrian oil hours after an attack. Tanker trucks were seen being taken out of Syria as part of a 148-vehicle convoy that crossed the border.
Xi Jinping calls for oil trade in Yuan. The Chinese leader declared that his visit marked the beginning of a new era in relations.
A notification from the RBI has announced that India now allows international trade settlement in Rupee with Russia, Sri Lanka, and other nations.
In a recent interview with the Associated Press, Treasury Deputy Secretary Wally Adeyemo acknowledged that India will continue rejecting US and EU calls to boycott Russian oil due to the allure of cheap oil.
Saddam, Gaddafi, Iran, Venezuela – they all tried but couldn’t do it. But Russia is on a different level altogether. The beauty of the game-changing, gas-for-rubles, geoeconomic jujitsu applied by Moscow is its stark simplicity.
Following the Nord Stream pipeline system leaks, the US is 'ready to provide support' to Europe, according to AFP News. But was CIA behind the Nord Stream pipeline attack?
The Syrian Oil Ministry released a statement on 9 August accusing US forces occupying Syria of being responsible for the theft of most of the country’s oil.
French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen in a recent interview said that Americans are indifferent to the ordinary French people and their predicament and that the US should compensate France for losses if the EU bans Russian gas.