According to scientists in China, a weight loss drug like Wegovy, which is promoted by Elon Musk, has a deadly side effect that causes a person's small intestine to become enlarged.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Subway for selling fake tuna fish in its sandwiches.
According to internal documents, the University of Pittsburgh harvested organs of live babies based on their race.
According to a new analysis by a group opposed to publicly-funded animal research, federal grant winners breached the law by investing an approximate $246 million in taxpayer cash on cannabis and e-cigarette animal tests. Taxpayers paid an approximate $1.5 million for pregnant mice to be treated with marijuana metabolites in the research.
The FDA have announced a new definition of what they consider healthy. Recent dietary recommendations emphasize a plant-based diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
According to Anna Fleck from Statista, the map below shows the most common blood types around the world, with O positive being the most prevalent blood group globally. World Blood Donor Day is organized...
Researchers working with the European Society of Cardiology report that the key to surviving a heart attack is strong legs. Need some motivation not to skip leg day? Look no further. Researchers working with...
A study published in the journal Current Biology investigates how mosquitoes use your body chemistry to select you as their next meal. To unravel the age-old question of why mosquitoes eat some people alive but spare...
According to Dr. Kaori Sakurada from Yamagata University, men with higher libido are 69% less likely to die young than their peers.
Scientists accidentally invent an anti-addiction drug. Christian Hendershot, a psychiatrist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, said that Semaglutide and its chemical relatives seem to work, at least in animals, against...