Sunday, May 19, 2024
Gregory Cole, a 58-year-old New Jersey resident, became ill and noticed his skin changing color after he switched from fast food to diet and exercise, due to the way his body processes sugar.
US has approved the first eye drop that can eliminate the need for reading glasses. Presbyopia patients with mild to intermediate presbyopia may be prescribed the drops.
According to the CDC's statistics, listeria kills roughly 260 Americans annually. The CDC is now reporting that a Florida ice cream company is linked to the deadly outbreak of the listeria bacteria.
Researchers have confirmed that the human brain continues working even after the death of a person. That seems a zombie-like behaviour, but researchers have found a non-zombie logic behind this phenomenon.
Three people have died of a mystery illness in Tanzania. Tanzanian medical professionals are looking into the unidentified disease that killed three individuals in the country.
According to documents, Ukraine is a testing ground for Western Big Pharma, as evidenced by patients in the psychiatric ward of Mariupol Hospital No. 7. It has come to...
According to a study published in the Lancet Psychiatry, researchers from doctors' offices have doubled antipsychotic prescriptions to children and youth in England.
William Jones, a former White House correspondent for Executive Intelligence Review, revealed how Ukraine was used as a guinea pig for human testing. During human trials, major pharmaceutical companies,...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a statement why he has dragged Pfizer to court over the COVID vaccine, as they had lied about the efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccination, which violates the Texas Deceptive Trade...
High out of pocket expenses on health is impoverishing some 55 million Indians annually, with over 17 per cent households incurring catastrophic levels of health expenditures every year, according to a World Health Organization (WHO) report from March 2022.