Friday, May 17, 2024
According to Anna Fleck from Statista, the map below shows the most common blood types around the world, with O positive being the most prevalent blood group globally. World Blood Donor Day is organized...
A new study from Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment and the Department of Chemistry at Trinity College of Arts and Sciences found nanoplastics linked to Parkinson’s and dementia.
Researchers at the Technion have conducted their research on mice and successfully made mice sick using their neurons alone. After this success, researchers believe they may have laid foundations for brain-based cures to inflammation in humans.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners has termed young people suddenly dying as SADS and is trying to find out why it happens.
Documents found during Moscow's operation in Ukraine revealed that the US was running an extensive biological research effort there. Over $200 million was spent on 46 biolabs researching deadly diseases. Russia, China, and some EU countries still...
The vinyl chloride page on the CDC website has also recently undergone changes some days Before Ohio Train Derailment. An older version shows a FAQ page that was longer and more in-depth prior to the revisions.
According to information on Merck's animal health website, Merck's mRNA livestock vaccine may have been used in the pork you're eating.
A study published in the journal Current Biology investigates how mosquitoes use your body chemistry to select you as their next meal. To unravel the age-old question of why mosquitoes eat some people alive but spare...
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Alpha-Gal Syndrome is linked to vaccine anaphylaxis. A new tick-borne meat allergy known as alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is making...
According to a report by the Telegraph, lab leaks have increased by 50% since the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, with 156 instances of lab leaks or mishaps since January 2020.