According to Nina Schick, expert, advisor, and speaker, 90% of online content could be generated by AI by 2025, citing Chatgpt as an example.
Ian Hogarth, a mega-investor in AI, said that a Machine Learning researcher he knew warned him that AI is becoming like a god.
AI researchers in Australia have demonstrated how it is possible to train a system to manipulate human behavior and decision-making.
In a recent interview with the BBC, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak called for AI content to be labeled and regulated. APPLE co-founder and tech entrepreneur Steve Wozniak has issued a stark warning over the...
Alexa is Amazon's virtual assistant technology to improve human lives. However, the scenario was quite opposite last week when the artificial influence Alexa device commited a murder attempt by telling a 10-year-old girl to touch a live electrical plug with a penny.