In light of the push for green energy, the World Economic Forum said actions need to be taken to lessen dependence on critical metals. Now, the WEF is calling for the end of private car ownership.
Jordan Peterson made an announcement about his alternative to the World Economic Forum while participating in Joe Rogan's podcast with a consortium being held in London this October and into November.
Perhaps one of the most controversial figures in the current society, Dr. Robert Malone, has noted the general public might just be in the midst of political warfare and a great reset of a coordinated nature. The global attempt at such an agenda ought to get more attention than it has, but the constructed narrative by mainstream media aids to keep everyone in the dark.
The World Economic Forum is becoming a little concerned. Unapproved opinions are becoming more popular, and online censors cannot keep up with millions of people becoming more aware and more vocal. The censorship engines employed by Internet platforms, turned out to be quite stupid and incapable. People are even daring to complain about the World Economic Forum, which is obviously completely unacceptable.
Over the course of the coming few years – as the supply chains break down and people watch their savings eroded into worthlessness; as the media spoon-feeds us more cover stories and politicians begin floating the notion of food rationing, GMOs, digital IDs and eventually carbon-based social credit systems – a sizeable segment of the population are going to find themselves confronted with the question, ‘Who is Klaus Schwab?’
It has been obvious since early 2020 that there has been an organized cult outreach that has permeated the world as a whole. It’s possible that this formed out of a gigantic error, rooted in a sudden ignorance of cell biology and long experience of public health. It is also possible that a seasonal respiratory virus was deployed by some people as an opportunity to seize power for some other purpose. 
Let me introduce you to Barbara Baarsma. Barbara is the CEO of Rabo Carbon Bank. Yes, you read that right. Not Rabo Bank but Rabo Carbon Bank. In this 53 second video interview below she is advocating for a "Personal Carbon Wallet". That may not seem like a big deal but when you hear what she has to say you should be concerned, very concerned in fact.
During the WEF Annual Meeting 2023, the WEF focused on the weaponization of brain sciences and the vulnerabilities of the human brain, which suggest that they might want to hack your brain to militarise it.
Maajid Nawaz, a British activist and radio broadcaster, seemed to startle Joe Rogan, a mega-star podcaster, as he outlined how Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum (WEF) is penetrating world governments to put its own members as leaders to establish a global "checkpoint society" in a Saturday discussion.
How do nations become wealthy? Many are blessed with abundant natural resources. Others conquer foreign lands. Some specialize in unique trade skills and crafts. Timber, mining, fishing, sugar, rum, narcotics, cotton, silk, agriculture, conquest, human slavery, manufacturing, oil, industry, banking, and so on — depending on the century and the region, nations have attained tremendous wealth in myriad ways. Notice that no nation has managed merely to print money and tax its citizens on the path to prosperity. Real wealth cannot simply be conjured from thin air. There must be recognized value in what a nation and its citizens possess.