The CEO of search engine DuckDuckGo Gabriel Weinberg has said that they want to penalize sites which are associated with Russian disinformation.
The Attorney General of the NATO member state of Czechia, Igor Stríž stated in a press release that the country wants to send you to jail for 3 years if you support Russia on social media.
Predator Catchers Indianapolis (PCI) apparently lured Facebook Meta manager into a child sex sting and he was later fired after it was caught on tape.
According to Kara Frederick, a former Facebook intel analyst and a research associate at the conservative Heritage Foundation, Big Tech corporations seem to be doing the government's bidding in creating a China like Social Credit System u  US, and Americans must notice this and act quickly.
Facebook's facial identification technology has been the subject of judicial action in the past, the latest which comes from Texas, who are suing Meta over facial recognition software.
Reports of WhatsApp being made to spy on users have surfaced as of late. The operation was put into motion by an US governmental agency for spying on activities pertaining to importation of opioids from China.
Having bulldozed most real-life relationships already, Mark Zuckerberg is now moving to strip away what’s left of our expectations of privacy by dragging us kicking and screaming into an online padded cell called the Facebook ‘metaverse’.
Facebook and Twitter recommendation algorithms could be deactivated under new plans from Russian lawmakers.
The just-leaked Facebook's secret blacklist of ‘dangerous individuals and organizations’ has over 4,000 entries. Among them are entities sanctioned by the US as terrorists, historical villains, cartels, militia groups, as well as dissidents.
There aren’t many companies that can say they’ve poured hundreds of millions into journalism in the last few years. Facebook has — $600 million over since 2018 — and it is promising another $1 billion in the next three years.