Wednesday, June 26, 2024
The Wall Street Journal has reported that officials have revealed Biden will offer Saudi Arabia a defense treaty in exchange for official ties with Israel. The White House is...
Jiabei Jesse Zhu is the mastermind behind the secret Chinese bio lab in California, which contains thousands of vials containing infectious organisms such as coronavirus, chlamydia, E. coli, and more.
The Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu, revealed that Russia plans to establish two new armies with 14 divisions and 16 brigades. On Wednesday, Russia declared that its soldiers were...
Russia's top 5 anti-satellite systems, which, according to Igor Korotchenko, are both more affordable and potent, include the Nudol System and the Peresvet Laser System. Russia possesses...
Statista's Martin Armstrong has created a list of all the countries that use F-16 fighter jets, which is provided in the article. During the G7 summit held from 19 to 21 May in Japan,...
After the mainstream media campaign to slander the image of one of India's bravest RAW officers Hemant Karkare and thereby give a total spin to the entire 26/11 Mumbai Attacks case now in a totally shocking development the NIA...
Apple reveals a security flaw that potentially gives hackers complete control of iPhones, iPads & Macs. Security professionals advise users of the iPhone 6S and subsequent versions, iPad models starting with the 5th generation and after, the iPad Pro product lines, the iPad Air 2, and Mac computers running MacOS Monterey to upgrade the affected devices. A number of iPod models are also affected.
When four Americans were kidnapped in the Mexican hot zone of Matamoros, on the border of Brownsville, Texas, last Friday — with two of them ending up dead — it was, apparently, ultra-violent business as usual for the area where the Gulf Cartel and its rival Zetas often engage in bloody battle.
The official version of Jawaharlal Nehru’s death is Cerebral Thrombosis, although he was the target of assassination since at-least 1947 with no less than 7 attempts on his life including a bomb-blast to blow-up a train he was traveling...
Operation Seashell was a clandestine Israeli operation to secretly arm Iran in exchange for continued access to Iranian oil. Later in 2009, the same Israeli arms company used as a conduit for secret arms sales to Iran was found...