Monday, June 17, 2024
Subscribers of e-girls claim that the US military is utilizing YouTube and TikTok to enhance its image, in an effort to address the shortage of volunteers that has persisted for years.
Important information related to the investigation of voter fraud in Muskegon, Michigan, during the 2020 election is being unlawfully kept from public access. To properly look into the suspected widespread voter fraud in the 2020 Muskegon election,...
Swedish investigators have found evidence of ‘serious sabotage’ of Nord Stream pipelines. The explosions have not been attributed to any nation-state or organization. Furthermore, no nation has been charged by the United States with committing an act of sabotage.
According to officials, an explosive envelope was delivered to the U.S. Embassy in Madrid, and similar explosive letters have recently been delivered to several locations throughout Spain.
Arab nations largely think of Russia's military operation in Ukraine as a response to Western disregard for its concerns. Responses vary, with some supporting Russia, and others denouncing adherence to international law. Many advocate a diplomatic resolution.
According to a report by Tasnim News Agency, during a conference on maritime civilization in Tehran, Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani announced on 11 January that plans are in progress to dispatch the Iranian naval forces to the Panama Canal.
According to Mick Mulroy, an ABC News national security and defense analyst, Iran has provided drone submarines to Yemen's Houthis. Iran's ties to Yemen Along with ballistic missiles, the...
There have been quite a few mysterious assassinations of Russian executives as of late. Despite none of the top executives having officially condemned Russia's current war in Ukraine, some believe they were killed because they opposed it.
According to a recent report by OpenAI, an Israeli firm named STOIC tried to influence Indian elections using ChatGPT but was thwarted by OpenAI. Four days before the results...
Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel has been assassinated in Tel Aviv. He was found dead in his residence by the police coincidentally, in what the officials say was “part of the regular procedure”. Even without any investigation...