Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Israel's National Security Headquarters has warned its citizens in India after the blast near the embassy to avoid crowded places, including markets and malls. Following an explosion near its...
William Burns, a C.I.A. spymaster with unusual powers of near-omnipresence, said that the unwarranted confidence in the assessment that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction could derail the Iraq invasion plans. To mark the...
Satellite imagery shows a landing site is being constructed by the US military for the Airforce at Tinian International Airport in the Northern Mariana Islands in the Pacific.
The testimonies of recently evacuated civilians from Bakhmut revealed that Ukrainian forces targeted civilians and took children during the 'Battle for Bakhmut'. A view shows destroyed buildings in Artyomovsk. ©  Sputnik / Ivan Rodionov
Sri Lanka which is experiencing its worst economic downturn since its 1948 independence has declared default and is now looking for emergency IMF bailout.
A US Air Force helicopter used to transport VIPs and dignitaries around the D.C. area and also assigned President Donald Trump’s security has been shot at from the ground over Virginia. FBI is investigating the case. The incident occurred...
According to Schuyler Moore, Chief Technology Officer of US Central Command, the US deploys "Project Maven" in the Middle East as AI warfare unfolds. Do you recall how thousands...
Russia has made significant investments in military laser technology, with its main three combat laser systems being called Zadira, Peresvet, and Sokol-Eshelon. Until the 1980s, laser weapons were considered...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's spokesperson, Tal Heinrich, said that Hamas beheaded babies on Wednesday, despite the IDF's inability to verify it. Table of ContentsUnverified ReportsFog of War
Russian energy boss Igor Shkurko was found dead yesterday in his cell at a detention center in Yakutsk, a port city in eastern Siberia.