According to a June 4 blog post on Medium, Amazon locked a Microsoft engineer, Brandon Jackson, out of his smart home devices over false racism claims. Amazon locked a Microsoft engineer out of his...
A study published in the peer-reviewed Chinese language journal Environmental Chemistry found that plutonium from US nuclear weapons tests is polluting the South China Sea. A new study has...
A study conducted by the University of Georgia has found that employees who work with AI are more likely to experience loneliness and engage in drinking behaviors. According to...
According to a "cradle-to-gate life cycle" analysis, lab-grown meat has been found to be more harmful for the environment compared to traditional animal husbandry. This industry reportedly produces up to 25 times more CO2 emissions.
A self-driving taxi reportedly killed a dog on Toland Street in San Francisco while the car was operating in "autonomous mode" with a test driver present in the front seat. The collision comes...
Using seismology centers in Antarctica, experts have discovered mountains near Earth's core that are 3 to 4 times larger than Everest. To make sense of how big these mountains are, Mount Everest is...
During an event organized by the Economic Times, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman told Indians, "You can try to build AI like ChatGPT, but you will fail." India can be...
The journalist Michael Shellenberger said that government contractors support US Air Force whistleblower David Grusch's claim that the US is in possession of 12 'non-human' spacecraft. The report comes after US Air Force whistleblower...
Experts say that an orange lobster caught in Casco Bay, Maine on Friday by Capt. Gregg Turner and his crew, Sage Blake and Mandy Cyr, is a "one-in-30 million" find. Researchers at the University...
The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), a body convened by the WHO, is calling for a 'simulation' to prepare for the next global health crisis. As 194 nations continue to work through drafts of...