India in Cognitive Dissonance Book

GreatGameIndia is happy to announce that it has received permission to publish this explosive hard-hitting myth-buster, a timely reminder for the decadent Indian society; a masterpiece on Geopolitics and International Relations from an Indian perspective.

Dedicated to our Teachers – who taught us about Matter, Space and Time –
and intended as a warning to our degenerate society that has separated us from them.

Contents of the book

Section 1 Spokesperson of our Nationalist Party…… or Good Boy of England?

Section 2 Information Technologists…or ill-informed Monkeys?

Section 3 Students of India .…or Criminals of the Indian Government?

Section 4 Quantum Entanglement and the Indian Cavemen

Section 5 Indians: Donkeys or Rats or Thieves of Carla Hills? Fingerprint the thieves!

Section 6 Indian Nuclear Weapons or Indian Firecrackers?

Section 7 “Aren’t You ashamed of Yourself?..” From: Joseph Stalin to Vijayalakshmi Pandit

Section 8 Of Mathematicians, Nuclear Scientists  and  Drunken-Disorderlies

Section 9 Economists or Fraudsters?

Section 10 From Indian-Economic-Miracle to Anglo-American-Economic Miracle

Section 11 India Next: From Demonetization to DeAurization

Section 12 Of MuttaDhiPatis, PeetaDhipatis and Allied Gangsters

Section 13 Time Travel: India 2040 : Prime Minister Sigmund Freud?

Section 14 The Indian Armed Forces: A Fate worse than Death

Appendix: From Anatolia To India The Turkish Coup: Beginning Of The End Of Great Game

A US Trade Official, Carla Hills, had once triggered a massive outrage by calling Indians thieves and criminals. So, are Indians the Thieves of Carla Hills, the Thieves of the Bhagavad Gita or Unique Indian Donkeys of the UID...
For more than 2000 years a war is being waged for the control of India and the access routes connected to it. The Turkey Coup is the beginning of the end of the Great Game, as it is known. A...
With Russia slipping out of their hands, the eyes were set on an unfathomably resource-rich country, which even after thousand years of non-stop plunder and looting still captures the imagination of one and all, thugs, thieves and robber-barons alike...
Are schools in India an automated production line converting Indian students to slaves? Don't the managements no longer have the wisdom to think any better? Don’t they care whether the children of their schools are called criminals by their...
When India tested the nuclear weapons in Pokhran-II, the only country that congratulated us was France, when everyone else condemned it. Did any student of India’s Physics departments walk across the campus and ask the History Departments in their Universities...
Let the Indians note that none of the PeethaDhiPatis either of the Vaishnavite or the Shaivite Order or MuttaDhipathis or the Sri Vidya Upasakas or any other Indian Religious Leaders either consciously or unconsciously, either in wakeful state or...