Saturday, June 29, 2024

Earth - search results

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Researchers at the University of Arizona are planning to work on a futuristic concept and build Noah's Ark like complex on the moon called Moon Ark to store the sperms and seeds on the moon.
According to NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the Earth greened 10% and the  Sahara desert shrinked 700,00 sq. kms. so far this century. World is a greener place today than it was 20 years ago.
Iceland witnessed a rare cluster of more than 10,000 earthquakes within the week. Located in between Europe and North America, Iceland is often hit by earthquakes because of its location between two continental plates that are moving further day by day from each other. While the shocks are common afterwards, that many flutters in a row are a rare incident.
The Earth's magnetic field is weakening between Africa and South America, disrupting satellites and spacecrafts. Scientists studying the phenomenon known as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), say the Earth's magnetic field is about to reverse. NASA has reported that...
In the remote deserts of Egypt, an ancient port city named Berenike has revealed a fascinating and unexpected story: the deep influence of ancient Indian culture, trade, and people. This port, once bustling with activity, reveals how deeply intertwined ancient Indian and Egyptian civilizations were.
NASA has announced that SpaceX will build a spacecraft, dubbed the "U.S. Deorbit Vehicle," tasked with guiding the International Space Station (ISS) into controlled destruction by the end of this decade. Valued at $843 million, this ambitious...
Over the past two years, Ukraine has used a crowdfunded satellite from California-based ICEYE to destroy over 1,500 high-value Russian targets, causing billions of dollars in damages. This satellite, equipped with advanced radar technology, has provided nearly...
While GGI analysts suggest the beach wasn't the intended target, speculating instead that the missiles aimed for critical military sites, the incident has sparked a heated debate. The U.S. denies direct involvement, but evidence points to a complex web of international military cooperation, involving advanced surveillance and guidance systems, potentially implicating Italian bases and U.S. drones in the strikes.
According to Bloomberg, Elon Musk and Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis quietly welcomed their third child, expanding their family following the birth of undisclosed twins in 2021, amid their involvement in AI ventures.
Last December, the Pentagon launched Operation Prosperity Guardian, a joint US/UK mission to secure Red Sea shipping from Yemeni Houthi disruption. Despite spending over a billion dollars, the mission failed.