Search Results for: Earth

25,000 Artifacts Unearthed In Historic Saudi Arabia City 1

25,000 Artifacts Unearthed In Historic Saudi Arabia City

According to the Jeddah Historic District Program, over 25,000 artifacts were unearthed in the historic Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah. In the second-biggest Saudi city, archaeologists have found some 25,000 antiquities. According to the Jeddah Historic District Program (JHD), the discoveries include more than 11,400 ceramic fragments, more than 11,300

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Imagine Earth With 1000 People

The United Nations Population Division’s population figures were used by Visual Capitalists to imagine Earth with 1000 people. Over the past 50 years, the number of people on the planet has doubled. We will have 8 billion people on Earth by 2022. UN estimates state that by July 2023, there

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Water On Earth Did Not Form On Its Own. It Was Sucked From Space

A study published in the journal Nature has revealed that water on Earth did not form on its own but was instead acquired from outer space. Scientists have made a surprising discovery that suggests the Earth might have formed more quickly than previously believed. It appears that tiny millimeter-sized pebbles

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