Monday, May 13, 2024
Damaris Mucutuy, an aunt of the four children who survived 40 days in the Amazon Jungle alone, told a radio station that the children were fine and later had an incredible rescue after a military sniffer dog...
Xi has been credited with the San Francisco Homeless Cleanup because, due to his arrival at this week's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders' summit, the administration in San Francisco has decided to clean house and take action...
ABC7 reported that a United Airlines Boeing 737 with 139 passengers lost an external panel mid-air, which was later confirmed by authorities. Not a day goes by that Boeing...
China's controversial one-child policy has led to a major demographic crisis. To rectify the problem of population decline, now China is offering cash subsidies to couples for making more babies. While China is moving to provide incentives for more childbirths, Indian government on the other hand is set to introduce a new Population Control Law.
A professor has claimed that nothing short of a political and cultural transformation will solve the difficult task of dewoking American universities and suggested measures to be followed.
According to the findings of an Ipsos poll done in 36 nations in late 2022, 43% of Indians believe aliens will visit Earth in 2023.
The article discusses how Mumbai can learn from a 45-floor slum in Venezuela, which is the tallest slum in the world. Caracas, the capital city of Venezuela, has a high percentage of its population living in slums, and has also faced extreme inflation.
According to multiple sources with knowledge of the conversation, Tucker Carlson’s recent benching was a condition of Fox News’ settlement with Dominion Voting Systems, and he is now trying to trade his $20 million Fox News salary...
Senior Newsweek Editor Josh Hammer and Missouri AG candidate Will Scharf, who lead the 'Jews Against Soros' group, say that criticizing billionaire activist George Soros 'isn't antisemitic'. A group called "Jews Against Soros," launched...
According to USA Today, migrant-smuggling "influencers" are using TikTok to advertise their services, leveraging popular hashtags such as "sueño americano" ("American dream"). Migrant smugglers -- known as "coyotes" -- are advertising their illegal transportation...