Saturday, May 11, 2024
The Thousand Talents Plan or Thousand Talents Program was established in 2008 by the central government of China to recognize and recruit leading international experts in scientific research, innovation, and entrepreneurship - in other words to steal American technology. ...
The story of Mathematics in Ancient India and how it reached Europe laying the foundations of modern mathematics enlightening the entire world in what is known as the 'world event'. Foundations of Modern Mathematics Highly intellectual and given to abstract thinking...
Contrary to the belief that mathematics is universal, Indian arithmetic had a distinctive philosophy which is best understood in a historical perspective. Two plus two is not always four: why zero so confused Europeans. From the time of the Yajurveda,...
Pollution in Europe has contributed to one of the worst droughts in India which has destroyed the lives of more than 130 million people, according to a new study. Researchers believe manufactured aerosols are to blame for the weakening...
Below is an excerpt from our exclusive research on Energy Crisis: India's dependence on Oil and a Solution for a Sustainable Future published as a two-part series in GreatGameIndia - India’s only quarterly magazine on Geopolitics & International Relations. Though...
Recently a widow of the freedom fighter who fought in Subhash Chandra Bose's Indian National Army lost a legal battle to get back their own money her husband had deposited in Shanghai. The Delhi High Court said that the...
Is India at the crossroads to Swaraj (independence) or Slavery (dominion)? At the dawn of the new millennium India stands, dazed and indecisive, at the crossroads. As perhaps the only secular nation with population of a billion, with thousands of...
This excerpt from The Hunt For The Treasure Of Vijayanagara Empire details the tragic situation of the tribals in India akin to the Helots - a derogatory term used by the Romans to indicate non-Romans in their country, intermediate in status...
For sometime now there is a huge debate brewing on regarding intolerance in India effectively creating a schism between the various sections of Indian society. While each group is busy voicing their fears or anxiety accusing the other of ruining...
Last year a type of avian flu was found in the US that led to the deaths of about 50 million U.S. chickens and turkeys. To stop the movement of the disease, Dr. John Clifford, deputy administrator of the...