According to a report by the right-wing nonprofit research group Marco Polo, Hunter Biden paid his assistant for sex chats, and she is one of at least four women who had sexual relationships with him while working for him.
According to the NY Post, SBF was able to defraud investors thanks to its strong ties to the Clintons, which was how Bill Clinton was involved in the FTX scandal.
According to emails obtained from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop and confirmed by Fox News Digital, Kathy Chung regularly communicated with Biden's son, Hunter Biden, proving his involvement in Biden’s classified document scandal.
Is it possible that Hunter, who struggled with drug addiction, mistakenly reported paying his father, a wealthy former vice president, for rent on a house that held sensitive information? Was Hunter Biden really paying $50k per month rent to hide classified documents?
Lunden Alexis Roberts, the woman who gave birth to Hunter's secret lovechild, a 4-year-old daughter named Navy Joan Roberts requested that the child be given the Biden surname, but the Biden family has disowned her.
Gonzalez, who claims to have not seen his father in a number of years, told the Mail that it was unlikely that the attack had political undertones. But some of his other claims raise the question, was Paul Pelosi's attacker David DePape a sex slave?
According to a recent investigation, South Africa's President Ramaphosa may face impeachment over the Farmgate scandal.
Yelena Baturina, the billionaire widow of a corrupt Moscow mayor, was once Russia's richest lady and is currently worth $1.4 billion. Here's what she has to do with Hunter Biden’s secret $40 million in Russia.
Weinstein is accused with four charges of rape and seven other counts of sexual assault. Now, it's been disclosed that Gavin Newsom’s wife was raped by Harvey Weinstein.
Hunter Biden and his wild pool parties in Malibu has come up as a topic of discussion once again. A video was obtained from a batch of information posted on the infamous chatroom 4chan, and was obtained through a hack of Hunter's iCloud account, however, this claim remains unsubstantiated.