Saturday, May 18, 2024
The decision by Russia to transfer ownership of Sakhalin-2, one of the largest LNG projects in the world, might kick out the West from key energy deals as a reply to the sanctions.
This week saw the European Commission's President Ursula von der Leyen do something that would have probably been considered the opposite of democracy just a few years ago. She proposed that governments impose a ceiling on certain energy producers' revenues and add a windfall profit for Big Oil majors. Called "a solidarity contribution" or "a crisis contribution," the windfall tax's aim is the same as the aim of the revenue ceiling: manage energy costs in a runaway inflation environment and get some additional money to, according to the plan, distribute among those who most need it.
Bill Gates, through his company TerraPower, plots to control nuclear energy by opening the Natrium plant in Wyoming in 2030. For the past 15 years, Bill Gates has been working on a project to open the...
A team of Finnish scientists estimated that the world needs 69% of its primary energy from solar farms for achieving net-zero goals. This estimation was made 2 years ago stating there may be a need for more solar farms. As per the agreement Sahara was chosen to be a suitable option and scientists want to turn the Sahara desert into a giant energy farm with solar panels.
Rita Baranwal, the top technology officer at Westinghouse Electricity Co., announced that the company has developed a mini-nuclear reactor, named AP300 for its planned 300-megawatt capacity. U.S. company Westinghouse unveiled plans on Thursday for...
The Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange said that China has settled the first LNG energy deal in Yuan with the United Arab Emirates.
Holtec, the top U.S. manufacturer of storage equipment for nuclear waste, is driving the nuclear revolution in the U.S. by reopening cold reactors and investing in small modular reactors (SMRs).
The biggest refinery in Europe, Shell’s Pernis in the Netherlands, suffered a malfunction late on Wednesday, which could exacerbate an already worsening fuel supply situation in northwest Europe due to the strikes in France.
Data from BP and Ember compiled by Our World in Data shows how water powers the world, with Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean, in particular, primarily relying on water power.
The statistics show that the majority of automakers have moved their attention to BEVs. This shift happened after they considered the lithium ion battery vs the hydrogen fuel cell debate.