Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Coronavirus COVID19

Read our exclusive investigation Coronavirus Bioweapon – on how China smuggled Coronavirus from a Canadian lab and weaponized it in Wuhan’s P4 lab. The findings of this investigation has been corroborated by none other than the Bioweapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle who drafted the Biological Weapons Convention Act followed by many nations. The report has caused a major international controversy and is suppressed actively by a section of mainstream media. Meanwhile, the reporter who attacked our story has been fired for plagiarism.

According to previously released emails, representatives from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) frequently cautioned the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance that their research breached a "funding pause" on gain-of-function (GOF) research imposed by the American government.
The hard-left La France Insoumise (LFI), the right-wing Republicains (LR), and the right-wing populist National Rally (RN) all voted against the Emmanuel Macron government's vaccine passport measure, which resulted in their defeat.
Long COVID patients are going broke by traveling overseas for unproven ‘blood washing’ treatment. People that seek out these treatments, for which there is little to no proof of their efficacy, run the risk of going bankrupt.
The US Air Force officials said in court that they were prepared to use any measure necessary to punish service personnel who declined the vaccine. However, the court has blocked the government from punishing unvaccinated air force members.
Acting Justice Ronald D. Ploetz ruled that the COVID-19 quarantine rules in New York are unconstitutional and illegal.
I went to the nail salon this week, and there was a young women working there who started weeping inconsolably in a corner. I asked the manager what was wrong. “She just lost her mother” was the reply. She had died in her sleep suddenly though she was perfectly healthy.
Nearly a year ago, former New York Times Journalist Alex Berenson was permanently banned from Twitter for writing the following lines about the Covid shot: “It doesn’t stop infection. Or transmission. Don’t think of it as a vaccine. Think of it - at best - as a therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effect profile that must be dosed IN ADVANCE OF ILLNESS. And we want to mandate it? Insanity.”
A British scientist has made a sensational claim that flawed PCR tests mistook common colds and flu for COVID-19.
“Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” is the fourth vaccine-related documentary by Dr. Andrew Wakefield. It tells the story of an intentional infertility vaccine program conducted on African women, without their knowledge or consent.
Emails reveal the truth behind why the CDC changed definitions of vaccine and vaccinated. But a CDC spokesperson insists that the "slight changes in wording" have not changed "the overall definition" of "vaccine."