Thursday, May 9, 2024
The catastrophic wildfires in Hawaii that may have taken the lives of many innocent people reportedly have a known cause. This finding challenges the climate change narrative often discussed by Democrats.
Make Sunsets, Luke Iseman's startup that has at least $500,000 in venture money, has been conducting geoengineering experiments to cool the earth.
A report released by IQAir has revealed that the most polluted city in India is not Delhi but Biwadi in Rajasthan.
An enormous carpet of seaweed stretching 5,000 miles (about 8,047 kilometres), about twice the width of the United States, is set to cause problems along the beaches of Florida and Mexico, as scientists become increasingly concerned about the algae's effects. According to a report in NBC News, the raft of brown seaweed in the Atlantic Ocean is so vast that it can be seen from space.
A new study calculates that rich countries with high greenhouse gas emissions could pay $170 trillion in climate reparations. Rich industrialised countries responsible for excessive levels of greenhouse gas emissions could be liable to...
According to Professor Norman Fenton, Covid shutdowns were just the beginning and climate lockdowns are next.
The elites of Davos are presently engaged in igniting an actual war. A climate change activist exploded and started comparing things to equivalents of 600,000 Hiroshima bombs daily.
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism's details, which are the world’s largest carbon border tax, were announced by the EU, but it still needs formal approval from the European Council and Parliament.
The White House announced Friday morning that Biden will sign an executive order introducing a new federal agency with massive climate authority.
Cannabis plants remove greenhouse gases from the air while also absorbing lead, mercury, and cadmium from the soil. This is how Cannabis plants could help fight climate change.