Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Aleksey Kokorin, who is the head of climate and energy at WWF Russia, stated that climate change could force Russia to move its capital to Siberia. Russia may end up being forced to move...
An enormous carpet of seaweed stretching 5,000 miles (about 8,047 kilometres), about twice the width of the United States, is set to cause problems along the beaches of Florida and Mexico, as scientists become increasingly concerned about the algae's effects. According to a report in NBC News, the raft of brown seaweed in the Atlantic Ocean is so vast that it can be seen from space.
The Ireland government is reportedly looking at plans to cull 200,000 cows to meet climate targets. The collateral damage of net zero is now getting uncomfortably close to home. First Dutch farmers were threatened with compulsory purchases to...
Greta Thunberg has been arrested at a climate protest. Despite the protests, the entire town has been evacuated, with 30 residences, 35 "tree structures" and 300 residents relocated to other towns and cities.
The White House announced Friday morning that Biden will sign an executive order introducing a new federal agency with massive climate authority.
Eunice Newton Foote was a pioneering scientist whose groundbreaking work laid the foundation for our understanding of the greenhouse effect. Born in Goshen, Connecticut, in 1819, she exhibited an insatiable curiosity and passion for science from an...
With the assistance of Cogo, a major Australian bank, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), has begun linking customer transactions to carbon footprints.
In some areas of the world, solar geoengineering can diminish rainfall, which will impact the local environment. Even though this is known, a geoengineering startup has begun releasing sulfur particles into the atmosphere in an attempt to stop ‘climate change’,
Global leaders are presently manufacturing an economic crisis just to pursue their ‘climate change’ goals. The result is a deliberate economic contraction and a global recession, which we are currently experiencing.
Meat has a huge climate footprint, as industrialized as it has become, but it’s unrealistic to think that vegetarians will be able to save the planet, Bill Gates has said at an Indian memorial gathering.