Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Here's a step by step guide on how to delete personal information from Google Search results.
Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt have served Fauci with a lawsuit accusing him of colluding with Big Tech to suppress free speech.
In an interview with CNBC Google's former VP shared that the top skill required at job interviews is self-awareness.
Caylan Ford recently observed, with the advent of digital health passports in the emerging biomedical security state, the new symbol of totalitarian repression is “not a boot, but an algorithm in the cloud: emotionless, impervious to appeal, silently shaping the biomass.”
In a polarized political environment where working across party lines is rare, legislative measures to break up Big Tech monopolies have received support from both ends of the aisle. This reaction is owed to recently-released classified documents that could help lawmakers break up Big Tech companies.
A GitHub spokesperson has confirmed to the news agency IANS that the Microsoft-owned platform GitHub has laid off its entire engineering team in India.
All of your personal information, which you have given them through their numerous products, is sold to advertising looking for a specific demographic. In the meantime, they enjoy unrivaled censoring power. This is the reality of how Google manipulates search results to swing elections.
Many of us with a libertarian frame of mind presume as a matter of theory that the interests of business are at odds with those of government. That’s generally true for businesses of a certain size. The regulations and taxes one faces in running an enterprise in the “land of free” are utterly shocking, as any small business owner can tell you. Even gaining the legal right to pay an employee is an arduous undertaking.
Due to criticism by IAMAI of the recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance to introduce a new law for tackling Big Tech firms, Indian start-ups have accused the Internet and Mobile Association of India of...
The early internet era was full of optimism about the future of the technological society. Techno-utopians naively hoped that a society running on the so-called ‘information superhighway’ would be armed with facts, and civic life would evolve past the tired dialectic of partisan politics.