The Chenab Rail Bridge under construction could be completed by end of the year. Indian Railway has confirmed that it has completed construction of the steel arch of the iconic bridge. This bridge will be the highest railway bridge of the world after its completion.
Deaths of more than 6,500 South Asian workers has been reported in Qatar building stadiums for the FIFA World Cup 2022 from 2011 to 2020. An average of 12 migrant workers died each week in 2011 to 2020. The sources suggest slack safety protocols surrounding construction of stadiums and infrastructure in Qatar were the reason for these deaths.
The Govt of India sold national vehicle database of Indian citizens to car manufacturers and private companies like BMW, Mercedes and others for Rs 100 crores.
The Supreme Court of India has issued a notice to Assam state coordinator for deleting names from the final NRC list.
A controversial Chinese firm has sued Indian Railways for terminating a Rs 471 crore World Bank funded project. The move is in retaliation to Indian Railways canceling the construction contract of a Chinese company for a signalling and telecommunication project...
The outbreak of COVID-19 has not only floored all domestic and international airline operations in India for the time being, but has also put in jeopardy the safety of flight operations upon resumption of services. The validity of India’s...
SHADOW - a mobile app that was created to manage voter data so Democrats could close the digital gap with President Trump has instead sown chaos during the Iowa caucuses. Organizers of the local meetings were supposed to use the app created...
It has been found that the official websites of the Government of Goa directly links to a fake Aadhaar site hosting porn. Both the government websites are managed by an obscure company Terasoft Technologies, headquartered in Ahmednagar with branches...