Tuesday, June 25, 2024

environment - search results

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An ethics professor at the New York public university has praised the ‘evolutionary advantages’ of pedophilia. He isn't the first, and the reality is that he's been openly backed by 153 other professors.
Mark Woolhouse is professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, SAGE adviser, and now author of ‘The Year the World Went Mad’, a personal, insider’s view of how the Covid pandemic played out. The book is a very useful review of what happened, even for those who followed events closely. The story is one of constant lurches from complacency to panic, optimism to pessimism, and back again. 
A major UK study finds that pharmaceutical manufacturing sites is the primary contributors of drug contamination and has polluted almost all the rivers of the world.
Deep dive into the criminal network of individuals, organizations and COVID conspirators like Bill Gates, WHO and World Economic Forum responsible for the COVID scam.
List Of Over 100 Studies Proving How COVID Vaccines Are More Harmful Than What We’re Being Told
Holistic medical practitioners exist in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all share a dedication to curing the person rather than the condition. Traditional herbalists and bodyworkers to naturopathic physicians and holistic health doctors all have different scopes of practise. The health of the body and its ability to resist infectious disease are equally as essential as the germ itself in Chinese holistic medicine which treats you rather than the symptoms that are hurting you.
With millions of Americans getting infected and over 800,000 reported COVID-19 deaths, most people now realize that Washington’s pandemic policies failed. Lockdowns just postponed the inevitable while causing enormous collateral damage on cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, tuberculosis, mental health, education and much else.
There are dead birds falling from the sky and raining down on cars over at Pembrokeshire. An environmental enthusiast has even stated unequivocally that whatever caused the catastrophe was manmade without a doubt.
The Slow Motion Drug Zombies Of San Francisco
It has been evident that the Freedom Convoy of Canadian truckers and their supporters, which began marching in Ottawa weeks ago to demand an end to all pandemic-related rules and restrictions across the country, is not like most protest groups. And that's a frightening prospect for those in power who believed they could handle and exploit the issue according to their own time and schedule, regardless of the science or situation on the ground.