Friday, June 28, 2024

fact check - search results

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A Montana based physician has blown the whistle on how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is exaggerating the COVID-19 death toll by manipulating Coronavirus death certificates. Dr. Annie Bukacek, MD, is a longtime Montana physician with...
A new study is investigating the possibility of California to have already developed herd-immunity to the Coronavirus. If the case is proven, the study would be a breakthrough in breaking the worldwide lockdown. With billions of dollars invested in...
In a most shocking development, several countries have reported that testing kits, protective equipment and medical devices sent to them to combat COVID-19 were itself found to be contaminated with Coronavirus. Meanwhile, in the US the lab authorized to...
As a direct impact of extensive GreatGameIndia reporting on the sinister aspect of Coronavirus being manufactured as a biological weapon, now India has dragged China to international court for waging COVID-19 War. India's complaint to the United Nations Human...
Secret services and militaries have become involved in operations related to the coronavirus pandemic as masks and other essential products become issues of national security amid the rapidly worsening outbreak. Sources have informed GreatGameIndia that a worldwide intelligence war...
Ever since the outbreak of COVID-19 and ensuing global lockdowns and cessation of international travel, the supply chain of global drug cartels emanating from China has been rendered dysfunctional. China is a major source of chemicals, synthesizers and drugs...
Five years ago, Italian state owned media Company, Rai – Radiotelevisione Italiana, exposed dark efforts by China on viruses. The video, which was broadcast in November, 2015, showed how Chinese scientists were doing biological experiments on a SARS connected...
Unavailability and access to testing kits and facilities combined with massive tests following faulty protocols and amplified by the hysterical media is wreaking havoc on the medical infrastructure of nations into lockdown due to Coronavirus resulting into more panic...
Amidst worldwide criticism U.S. lawyer and conservative activist, Larry Klayman, his Company Buzz Photos and his group Freedom Watch have filed a $20 trillion lawsuit against China for waging a Biological war, alleging that it unleashed the coronavirus as...
Vaccines have helped mankind to tackle the dire threat of infectious disease for more than a hundred years. They have become key tools of public health and scientists are charged with developing them as quickly as possible to combat...