Sunday, May 12, 2024
Several scientists previously concluded that the Red Planet's atmosphere had dried out as a result of the loss of carbon dioxide, which served to keep it warm. Lately, more questions have been raised regarding this topic. So, why did mars dry out?
Exploring the ice moons of Jupiter will be one of Europe's most ambitious space missions ever. Europe's mission to Jupiter's icy moons is now ready for launch.
A study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters reveals that mysterious structures hiding in the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy have been found. Astronomers have for the first time discovered something unique hiding...
Russia's space agency chief warned the US that the sanctions could destroy their cooperation on board the International Space Station which may cause it to fall on India and China.
Due to a cosmic tragedy, the planet Uranus rotates at an angle of 98 degrees in the opposite direction to Earth. 
The photos taken by Curiosity's mast camera and ChemCam have led to speculation about whether the strange structures captured in the images could be the skeletal remains of a prehistoric fish-like animal on Mars.
Astronomers predict that by 2025, Saturn’s Iconic Rings will disappear and will not be visible from Earth due to a tilt in Saturn's angle. The planet's rings will disappear...
On March 27, 2019 India conducted an anti-satellite missile test codenamed Mission Shakti, from the Dr A P J Abdul Kalam Island launch complex formerly known as Wheeler Island, off the coast of Odisha. This was a technological mission...
How the Procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT) formed is arguably the most significant open question in lunar science. Relating to this. a study has found the answers to the mystery of the dark side of the moon which had been an Apollo-era mystery.
Technology advancements have been significantly fueled by space exploration. Space agriculture is boldly growing food where no one has grown it before.