Due to a cosmic tragedy, the planet Uranus rotates at an angle of 98 degrees in the opposite direction to Earth.
All eight planets in our solar system rotate on their own axis and orbit around the sun, as is generally known. Two of these planets, Venus and Uranus, rotate in the opposite direction to the other six planets, including Earth, which rotates in a prograde direction. This indicates that although six planets, including our Earth, rotate in a counterclockwise manner, Uranus rotates in a clockwise way. Not only that, but Uranus spins on its side, making it the most peculiar planet of them all. As opposed to being nearly straight or only slightly slanted like other, "normal" planets, its tilt is so extreme that it is now on its side. It's interesting that scientists still don't have any conclusive theories to account for these unusual movements. However, there are a few hypotheses that can provide answers to certain crucial questions.
Why does Uranus spin in retr...