Friday, May 10, 2024
Are you impressed by the capabilities and functions of ChatGPT and interested in integrating it with WhatsApp? Look no further, as this article will guide you on how to do so. Here's how to integrate ChatGPT with WhatsApp.
In September, my family and I move from our home in Dublin to a fancy East Coast college town, where I’ll be teaching for the semester. I grew up in Dublin, which means I have a wide circle of friends to draw on whenever I’m let out of the house. The street where I live is friendly: If I want to borrow a spatula or I need someone to look after my cat, I have only to ask.
Sam Altman recently funded biotech startup Retro BioScience with $180 million, leading experts to suggest that the first anti-aging pills may hit shelves in 2028. Silicon Valley is racing to conquer death, and Altman is among the tech leaders who are investing in this area.
According to a peer-reviewed study published on Monday in the journal Nature Neuroscience, scientists have developed an A.I. system focused on turning people's thoughts into text. Scientists have developed a noninvasive AI system focused...
Prof. Polina Stepensky, head of the department at Hadassah-University Medical Center in Jerusalem, Israel, has announced a groundbreaking treatment for multiple myeloma cancer. The treatment has a 90% success rate. Hadassah-University Medical Center in Jerusalem’s...
According to the project team with the National University of Defense Technology, China has tested using 6G terahertz to hunt US submarines. Researchers claim that China has tested the...
Most of us have seen dogs tilt their heads in adorable and curious ways and wondered why they tilt their heads. As per a study published in October 2021 in the journal Animal Connections, it may be a sign of increased focus. In a previous study, researchers asked dog owners to put toys in a room and tell their dogs to fetch specific toys by name. Unfortunately, dogs could not do this even after 3  months of training, but still they were labeled as Gifted World Learner dogs.
Quantum technology will most importantly provide a military advantage on the battlefront, by supplying more data regarding enemy forces as well as their movement patterns. With this in sight, NATO is set to build a new center for quantum technology in Denmark.
The superworms, Zophobas morio, are little recycling plants that shred the polystyrene with their jaws and feed it to their stomach bacteria. Take a look at how these plastic eating superworms can solve the plastic recycling problem.
An entirely new way of measuring time has been discovered by scientists from Uppsala University in Sweden that doesn't require a specific starting point.