Saturday, May 18, 2024
Direct potable reuse (DPR) eliminates the environmental buffer stage from IPR, saving time, money, and energy. In some instances, water is delivered directly to taps. This is not as uncommon as you might think as, if you live in one of these states, there's already recycled sewage in your drinking water.
Is reality a hologram, a Social Agreement or just in your mind? Scientists try to explain ehat reality really is.
Female mosquitoes could still detect humans even when their human-scent sensors were disabled. The discovery shows that the insects' olfactory systems are more complex than previously thought. Now, scientists reveal how mosquitoes are able to smell humans even without antennae.
Several American businesses, including Forever Energy of Bellevue, Washington, have been vying for the Department of Energy's approval to manufacture the breakthrough batteries, but the US gave that battery technology to China.
World’s first ever ‘synthetic embryos’ have been created. According to a study published in a journal, Israeli researchers developed a mouse embryo with a beating heart using just stem cells.
According to a study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters by Tyler Horvath, a PhD student in planetary science at the University of California, Los Angeles, they discovered pits on the Moon that stay at 63 °F all year and could be a place to visit to escape the heat.
US scientists have found a way to control flies remotely by rewiring their brains. The long-term goal of this research is to create methods for non-invasively activating particular human brain regions for medical purposes.
Animal cloning is currently used mostly in the realms of fundamental research, healthcare, or the preservation of endangered species. However, this technology is being used for pet cloning, which is booming in China.
More than ever, the globe is in need of energy. We require a lot of energy for daily tasks, such as keeping warm and cozy in our rooms, lighting our homes, and traveling to work. To address this, an Indian scientist is creating a piece of the Sun on the Earth.
It becomes increasingly harder to recall things that have not frightened or shocked us as time passes, whereas frightening occurrences stick in our minds much more easily. As we begin to question why do we remember bad things better, a new study might have the answer.