Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Reuters has reported that Russia has launched a video campaign calling for "real men" to fight in Ukraine and is seeking to recruit up to 400,000 professional soldiers on a voluntary basis.
The report that a US-funded 'military biological laboratory' was seized by rioters in the recent unrest, which has seen at least 160 dead since the violence broke out just one week ago, is being denied by the Kazakh officials.
According to multiple sources, Syrian rebels, mainly affiliated with the Syrian National Army, have been recruited as mercenaries to provide security at factories and gold mines in African nations, reportedly under the direction of Turkey.
Due to the West's efforts to split Russia off from international economic cooperation, Russian and Indian businesses are presently confronting difficulties. But it would seem that its having minimal impact as Russia-India ties remain unaffected by Washington's blackmail.
In a minimalistic sense, countries must comply with the globalists' 'Great Reset' agenda is what they want. Watch here as Klaus Schwab warns nations tempted to preserve their own sovereignty over the global agenda.
A US official told The New York Times on Thursday that the Pentagon will start training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets in the US. The training might begin as soon as September.
Putin has recently passed a law punishing the deliberate spread of fake news with upto 15 years in jail which has caused several western news organizations to pull out of Russia fearing the penalty.
Formed in 1949, NATO has steadily expanded, with milestones like the 1994 Partnership for Peace program. Key figures like Yeltsin and Albright played roles, while events like the 1997 Bucharest Summit and 2004 Color Revolutions marked its...
Serge Varlay, a BlackRock recruiter, reportedly said that the Ukraine conflict is "f***ing good for business." ©  Getty Images / Erik McGregor BlackRock wants the conflict in Ukraine to continue as...
Even though America is threatening Russia with sanctions they still pay Putin $70 million per day for oil which helps them in their attack of Ukraine.