
Did A Russian Spy Disguised As Chef Sabotage Paris Olympics?

A major sabotage operation disrupted France’s high-speed TGV train network just before the summer rush and the 2024 Paris Olympics. Unknown attackers cut and set fire to crucial fiber optic cables, causing widespread chaos and delays. An investigation is underway, with over fifty gendarmes on the case, but no group

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Wife Of Never-Trumper Max Boot Caught Spying For South Korea 1

Wife Of Never-Trumper Max Boot Caught Spying For South Korea

Max Boot, a fierce anti-Trump commentator, is facing personal turmoil as his wife, Sue Mi Terry, was indicted for allegedly acting as an agent for the South Korean government. Known for her luxurious tastes and high-profile foreign policy insights, Terry is accused of accepting lavish gifts in exchange for aiding

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How The African Country Niger Kicked Out US Military 1

How The African Country Niger Kicked Out US Military

For over a decade, nearly 1,000 U.S. troops were stationed in Niger as part of a counterterrorism partnership. This abruptly ended on March 16, when Niger’s ruling junta expelled the U.S. military, claiming the agreement violated their constitution. Days later, a Pentagon official misled Congress about the situation, prompting an

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Hungary And Slovakia Threaten Ukraine For Blocking Russian Oil 1

Hungary And Slovakia Threaten Ukraine For Blocking Russian Oil

Hungary and Slovakia are in a heated clash with Ukraine over a new ban on Russian oil that they fear will disrupt their energy supplies. The EU is stepping in to mediate, as Budapest and Bratislava warn that Ukraine’s move could severely impact their oil imports. Hungary is even threatening

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