Thursday, May 9, 2024
Due to the mysterious deaths of the four cryptocurrency billionaires who passed away within a month, the crypto world has come up with conspiracies, with one claiming they were assassinations.
In 2022, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren authored a bill that would require cryptocurrency wallet providers to comply with bank Anti-Money Laundering rules. Not crypto exchanges, mind you, but the wallets themselves. Kansas Senator Roger Marshall joined her on the proposal as a co-sponsor.
The African country of Central Africa Republic has adopted Bitcoin as legal tender alongside the CFA franc following the example of El Salvador.
After Russian President Vladimir Putin openly questioned the central bank's suggestion to ban cryptocurrency, the head of the Russian Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, suggested considering Bitcoin payments for international settlements.
No one anticipates a swift market movement that would fundamentally alter the market's current structure, as seen by trading volume and midterm investors' actions. However, is it a coincidence that Mt.Gox Bitcoins will be released on Ethereum merge date?
According to local media reports, Russian crypto billionaire Vyacheslav Taran was killed in a helicopter crash, and he was supposed to go with another unidentified passenger who abruptly cancelled.
A Coinbase representative stated that the suspension of BUSD trading will begin on March 13 because it was determined that BUSD no longer met their listing standards.
According to a press release sent to Bitcoin Magazine, El Salvador unleashes "volcano energy" with a planned 241-megawatt Bitcoin mining operation. The country of El Salvador is tapping into its abundant natural resources to...
$1.2 billion in Bitcoin was liquidated during last week's crypto crash. It was not simply Bitcoin, clearly. The collapse of Terra amounted to a degree of market contagion, which hurt crypto markets in general.
The CoinFlex-Ver tragedy is the most recent drama to develop as a result of the recent decline in cryptocurrency prices. Read the story of the person labelled as Bitcoin Jesus and the mystery investor behind $47 million CoinFlex debt.