Sunday, May 19, 2024

Coronavirus COVID19

Read our exclusive investigation Coronavirus Bioweapon – on how China smuggled Coronavirus from a Canadian lab and weaponized it in Wuhan’s P4 lab. The findings of this investigation has been corroborated by none other than the Bioweapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle who drafted the Biological Weapons Convention Act followed by many nations. The report has caused a major international controversy and is suppressed actively by a section of mainstream media. Meanwhile, the reporter who attacked our story has been fired for plagiarism.

Almost 1,496 years ago, a monk named Dionysius Exiguus divided the universal time to designate years based on a year Jesus was born — the “A.D.” and "B.C." system. Now, a similar Great Reset of our timeline is being attempted with COVID-19 as a marker - the BC & AC system (ie. Before Coronavirus and After Coronavirus).
London is facing a PCR testing collection bin fiasco as customers are being forced to pay more to courier their tests to the lab or leave it on the streets due to overflowing bins.
According to reports UK's Prime Minister Boris Johnson has scrapped mandatory Covid vaccine passports.
The New York Times has been caught again peddling fake news of children being hospitalized by COVID-19.
A Delhi-based institute and Human Energy Research Centre in Delhi claimed to have the finest option to cure Covid-19 using cosmic sound therapy. This extraordinary therapy was developed by Dr Harsh Rastogi, Ikwan Onwuka and Dr Ramesh Vaish and is a combination of ancient Vedic philosophy and principles of Quantum theory.
A new mutant strain of Covid-19 that has sparked fears for vaccine resistance, caused flight cancellations, and sent the stock market plummeting; the Omicron variant could actually help bring the pandemic to an end, a Russian virologist has claimed.
Documents released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reveal that drugmaker Pfizer recorded nearly 160,000 adverse reactions to its Covid-19 vaccine in the initial months of its rollout.
In an exclusive interview with the media, Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) said the White House wants to create class warfare amongst vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans in order to generate turmoil and maintain power, but it's "not going to work."
Project Veritas has uncovered shocking secret documents about COVID-19's origin, gain of function studies, vaccinations, repressed prospective therapies, and the administration's attempt to bury all of this. The secret military documents from DARPA regarding Project Defuse expose Dr Fauci’s proposal to engineer coronavirus through gain-of-function which was rejected for being dangerous and violating the code of research.
Serbia has cancelled a huge deal with Rio Tinto, an Australian firm, following the deportation of Novak Djokovic from Australia.