Scientists have discovered a massive "ocean" near Earth's core. The investigation proved a theory, which was that ocean water accompanied subducting slabs and entered the transition zone.
A report released by IQAir has revealed that the most polluted city in India is not Delhi but Biwadi in Rajasthan.
500 tonnes of illegal genetically modified rice from India were withdrawn by the EU after it were discovered in a consignment that India exported to the European Union countries in June 2021.
For a long time, geologists at the University of Florida have wanted to investigate the efficacy of lunar soil for plant growth, but the soil is in scarce supply. But their dream finally seems to have been fulfilled as University of Florida researchers have bwen able to successfully grow plants in moon soil.
John Kerry has suggested reducing emissions through reductions in fertiliser usage, land use, and cows, as well as by feeding cows bugs to reduce fertiliser emissions, which is basically the same as stopping farmers from farming.