For years, the energy sector, and almost every other sector, has taken water for granted, viewing it as an abundant resource. But as we move into a new era of renewable energy, the vast amounts of water required to power green energy operations may not be so easy to find. And it’s not just renewables that are under threat from water scarcity, as it also hinders fossil fuel production and threatens food security.
Several topics were discussed in the interview with the newly appointed head of IIT Madras, Kamakoti Veezhinathan. The most prominent of these topics was a discussion on joint patents with farmers and how the new IIT Madras director hopes to make the institute great.
A 27-year-old Infosys techie named Venkatasamy Vignesh quit his job to take up brinjal farming in Japan, where he earns double the income, as the country's demand for farmers is increasing due to its ageing population and the younger generation's disinterest in agriculture.
A weedkilling chemical related to cancer was found in more than 80% of urine samples taken from kids and adults in a US health research, a discovery that scientists have labeled "disturbing" and "concerning."
Brahma Kamal, known as the Divine Flower of Uttarakhand Himalayas, holds great significance in the mountain culture of the region. This beautiful flower flourishes in the Himalayan regions. Photo by:  John Muir Fan 86, Creative...