Thursday, May 9, 2024
The layperson often assumes that human ancestry is a settled matter, but this is far from accurate. Adding to the intrigue, an ancient skull is currently perplexing scientists due to its dissimilarities from the features of modern...
The Sri Lankan government has announced that citizens should not wait in line for petrol as the crisis-hit Sri Lanka defaults on debt and runs out of fuel. 
According to a new study antidepressants like Prozac is turning fish into Zombies by erasing their personalities.
Farmers across the world are in open revolt against their governments. In India, thousands of farmers have stormed New Delhi, alleging collusion between the Prime Minister and major agricultural corporations. In the Netherlands, new restrictions on nitrogen emissions from fertilizer that threaten to destroy farmers’ livelihoods have driven battalions of tractors into the streets—and conflicts with the police. In Sri Lanka, the President’s sudden decision to ban chemical fertilizers and impose universal organic farming recently led to massive protests and the collapse of their government. Similar environmentalist policies are about to be imposed in Ireland and Canada, where just last year truckers shut down the city of Ottawa over COVID vaccination mandates.
According to a study conducted by, reusable water bottles hold 40,000 times more bacteria than a toilet seat.
Mayor Eric Adams revealed on Monday at an event for the Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice that NYC will track the carbon footprint of residents’ food purchases.
A paper released in the Chinese-language Journal of Test and Measurement Technology claimed that 24 Chinese hypersonic missiles will sink a top U.S. aircraft carrier. Hypersonic weapons could be “catastrophic” for the most potent aircraft...
Data provided by ElectronicsHub has revealed which countries are most interested in generative AI, with the Philippines topping the list. The last two years have seen a...
To make everything more inclusive, Google has rolled out a new feature that corrects your sentences with language that is considered woke and inclusive.
Information from the UN's WIPO Global Innovation Index has shown a list of the most innovative countries in the world, with Switzerland topping the list for the 12th consecutive year.