Friday, May 17, 2024
I dabble in street art. I do paintings on large pieces of plywood that I scavenge from construction-site dumpsters. I display some of these at the community gardens I manage in New Brunswick, NJ. Using long, star-bit screws to make them hard to remove, I fasten others to abandoned buildings in the city. Sometimes other males spray paint over, or find ways to dislodge, these. But some works have long remained, undamaged, where I posted them. One has been plainly visible alongside a busy intersection for five years. By now, tens of thousands of people must have seen it. Unless you’re texting while you wait at the traffic light, it’s hard to miss.
Research firm Phinance Technologies released a bombshell vaccine analysis that finds $147 billion in economic damage, and tens of millions injured or disabled due to COVID vaccine.
According to a new analysis by a group opposed to publicly-funded animal research, federal grant winners breached the law by investing an approximate $246 million in taxpayer cash on cannabis and e-cigarette animal tests. Taxpayers paid an approximate $1.5 million for pregnant mice to be treated with marijuana metabolites in the research.
Researchers from the Universities of Toronto and Montreal in Canada have engineered a major piece of the human heart, and it beats normally.
A Kerala Vaidyar created an Ayurvedic soap that costs $10,000 after shipping to Iran, plus all other costs where it is in high demand.
In England, antidepressants were taken by 7.3 million adults, or 17% of the adult population, from 2017 to 2018, the most recent year for which data is available. Despite its prevalence, it has been demonstrated by a major study that antidepressants don't make people any happier than taking no medicine at all.
Tokyo-based Meiji Seika Pharma has received approval in Japan to produce the world’s first self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine without safety data. The world's first COVID-19 self-amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) vaccine...
WHO chief Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the World Health Assembly forum that we should be prepared for a disease even deadlier than COVID. The planet should be ready for a disease even deadlier...
Seattle School District #1 filed a lawsuit on Friday seeking a judge to rule that big tech had caused a disturbance and seeks monetary damages in addition to funding to prevent and treat the overuse of social media. With this, Seattle schools are effectively suing big tech over youth mental health crisis.
A study has found a new way to regenerate insulin-producing cells to treat diabetes in the form of MNK2 protein. The MNK2 protein could serve as a source of insulin for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.