Monday, May 20, 2024
The elites of Davos are presently engaged in igniting an actual war. A climate change activist exploded and started comparing things to equivalents of 600,000 Hiroshima bombs daily.
Algae is an ideal replacement for meat, according to the WEF since it has a carbon-negative profile and is rich in essential fatty acids and high vitamin and antioxidants content. Now, the World Economic Forum is urging people to eat seaweed, algae and cacti in order to save the planet.
The White House announced Friday morning that Biden will sign an executive order introducing a new federal agency with massive climate authority.
According to Science Alert, scientists have successfully reanimated the zombie virus after it was trapped in Siberian permafrost for 50,000 years.
UC San Diego geophysicist Professor Duncan Agnew stated in his paper that as Earth's rotation has been increasing, time will stop in 2029, and a second could be removed.
Meat has a huge climate footprint, as industrialized as it has become, but it’s unrealistic to think that vegetarians will be able to save the planet, Bill Gates has said at an Indian memorial gathering.
A new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change emphasizes the need to remove billions of tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which is why Big Tech is investing in carbon removal, stressing that reducing emissions alone will not suffice.
Germany's State Protection Chamber of the Potsdam Regional Court has branded the climate protesters Letzte Generation as a ‘Criminal Organisation." Agroup of German climate protesters, Letzte Generation (Last Generation), are suspected of being a...
Cannabis plants remove greenhouse gases from the air while also absorbing lead, mercury, and cadmium from the soil. This is how Cannabis plants could help fight climate change.
An enormous carpet of seaweed stretching 5,000 miles (about 8,047 kilometres), about twice the width of the United States, is set to cause problems along the beaches of Florida and Mexico, as scientists become increasingly concerned about the algae's effects. According to a report in NBC News, the raft of brown seaweed in the Atlantic Ocean is so vast that it can be seen from space.