Saturday, May 18, 2024

Tag: COVID-19

About two-thirds of the general population have COVID-19 antibodies and 67.6% of India's population were exposed to the disease, the fourth serosurvey conducted by ICMR during the June-July 2021 period found.
A prominent government scientific advisor has admitted that face masks do very little to protect from coronavirus and are basically just “comfort blankets”.
The US government is reportedly investing millions of dollars to breed more COVID test monkeys in the name of biomedical research after a shortage of the animals worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to a series of new studies, deaths from COVID is ‘incredibly rare’ among children.
Almost 1,496 years ago, a monk named Dionysius Exiguus divided the universal time to designate years based on a year Jesus was born — the “A.D.” and "B.C." system. Now, a similar Great Reset of our timeline is being attempted with COVID-19 as a marker - the BC & AC system (ie. Before Coronavirus and After Coronavirus).
As the Biden administration called “medical misinformation” a public health threat, the White House said it was working with social media to flag “problematic” posts. In other words the America government has officially launched COVID Information War against the world in collaboration with Big Tech.
Spain’s Constitutional Court ruled Wednesday that a strict stay-at-home lockdown order the Spanish government issued under a state of emergency during the first wave of COVID-19 last year was unconstitutional.
The US Food and Drug Administration has warned that Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose Covid-19 vaccine can cause Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare disorder where the immune system attacks the nervous system and can result in paralysis.
YouTube has been fined 100,000 euros by the German Higher Regional Court at Dresden after it wrongly deleted a user's video which showed massive pandemic lockdown protests in Switzerland - and then failed to reinstate the video 'immediately' after the court ordered it to do so on April 20.
Coming from the word "quaranta" (which means "forty" in Italian), the idea of confining people for 40 days originated without the authorities really understanding what they wanted to contain. But the measures were one of the first forms of "institutional public health" that helped legitimatize the "accretion of power" by the modern state. This practice had no medical foundation; it was chosen for symbolic and religious reasons. This begs the question - are COVID-19 protocols based on science or religion?