I-T Raids Dolo-650 Manufacturer Micro Lab’s Office In Bengaluru

I T Raids Dolo 650 Manufacturer Micro Lab's Office In Bengaluru

Doctors and owners of medical supply stores were prescribing Dolo-650, an analgesic (pain killer) and antipyretic (fever reducer), to coronavirus patients to alleviate pain and fever, which are common Covid symptoms. At the present, however, the I-T has raided Dolo-650 manufacturer Micro Lab’s office in Bengaluru for fraud.

China Wants Five More Years Of COVID Lockdowns

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary appeared to suggest to state media last week that the Chinese capital should anticipate another five years of strict COVID policies, including lockdowns, before his statement was quickly removed from state media in the wake of harsh criticism on social media.

Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects

Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects

Dr. Ryan Cole, an anatomic clinical pathologist with a subspecialty in skin pathology and postgraduate Ph.D. training in immunology, has been on the frontlines exposing the fraudulent COVID narrative.

Pfizer Must Prove Efficacy Of Its Covid Vaccine Within 48 Hours In Uruguay

Pfizer Must Prove Efficacy Of Its Covid Vaccine Within 48 Hours In Uruguay

Pfizer must prove the efficacy of its Covid vaccine within the next 48 hours in Uruguay. The judge issued the ruling in response to a case asking Uruguay to halt child immunizations. On Wednesday, it will become evident to what degree the government and Pfizer can offer the necessary proof (and whether doing so will have repercussions).