How Much Did The US Government Pressure Twitter To Ban Alex Berenson?

How Much Did The US Government Pressure Twitter To Ban Alex Berenson

Nearly a year ago, former New York Times Journalist Alex Berenson was permanently banned from Twitter for writing the following lines about the Covid shot: “It doesn’t stop infection. Or transmission. Don’t think of it as a vaccine. Think of it – at best – as a therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effect profile that must be dosed IN ADVANCE OF ILLNESS. And we want to mandate it? Insanity.”

WHO Has A History With Vaccines Aimed At Reducing Fertility

WHO Has A History With Vaccines Aimed At Reducing Fertility

“Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” is the fourth vaccine-related documentary by Dr. Andrew Wakefield. It tells the story of an intentional infertility vaccine program conducted on African women, without their knowledge or consent.

The Best Mask Study Yet

The Best Mask Study Yet

The case for masking by the general public has quite obviously always been weak, considering there was no pre-pandemic planning that suggested masking would ever be beneficial.